» Slide Show
 | Lewis Edwards
 | U. S. Census 1870 Murray County, Georgia For Harriet Edwards (Pope) and family. |
 | John Edwards
 | Robert F. Edwards
 | Thomas Pope
 | Elizabeth Attkisson
 | William Alexander Pope
 | Hamilton Rowan Pope
 | Thomas Jefferson Pope
 | Martha Pope
 | Sarah Jane Edwards
 | U. S. Census 1910 Militia District 872, Whitfield County, Georgia, USA
 | U. S. Census, Ninth District, Whitfield County, Georgia, USA
 | William Alfred Whaley
 | U. S. Census 1930, Ninth District, Whitfield County, Georgia, USA
 | U. S. Census 1940 Ninth District, Whitfield County, Georgia, USA
 | William Alfred Whaley World War I Draft Registration
 | J. M. Whaley
 | J M Whaley Source Information: Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2001.
Original data: State of Georgia. Indexes of Vital Records for Georgia: Deaths, 1919-1998. Georgia, USA: Georgia Health Department, Office of Vital Records, 1998. |
 | Sarah Jane Whaley
 | William Manson Whaley
 | William Manson Whaley
 | Charley Blanton Whaley
 | Charley Blanton Whaley National Archives and Records Administration. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005.
Original data: Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, 1938-1946 [Archival Database]; ARC: 1263923. World War II Army Enlistment Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 64; National Archives at College Park. College Park, Maryland, U.S.A. |
 | Lilly Dale Wintrode - Death Certificate
 | Earl Whaley
 | Marshall Davis Whaley
 | U.S. Census 1910, Justice Precinct 1, Taylor County, Texas Mary Francis Bishop and family |
 | 1812 Franklin County, Tennessee, Tax List. Shows Orman Morgan. Presumed to be Orman Morgan b. circa 1750 because Orman Morgan, Jr. would be only 10 years old at the time. |
 | Elijah Cannon's speculated mother. Discussion of illegitimate children with James Cannon living in a household close to Orman Morgan household 1800 census of Pendleton District, SC. |
 | Orman Morgan witness to land transaction on 5 November 1782 in Surry County, North Carolina. Some of Micajah Sr's land transactions, per Surry Co NC Deed Books, A, B, C:
"B:218-219, 5 Nov 1782-Spencer Ball, Edgecomb Co NC to Micajah Clark, 280 pds 640 acres both sides Tom's Creek. Wit: Robert Harris, Orman Morgan and David Clark. Signed Spencer Ball."
 | Orman Morgan receipt to A.B. Ross in Rocky Mount, SC on October 17, 1774. Since this took place in 1774 in SC its difficult to tell if this is the Orman Morgan ancestor. |
 | Marriage of Orman Morgan and Charlotte Jordan Marriage of Orman Morgan and Charlotte Jordan on 18 January 1774 in Granville County, North Carolina |
 | 1860 Census of Dalton District, Whitfield County, Georgia, USA
 | Orman Morgan/Richard Davenport Lawsuit Recover of costs of lawsuit by Orman Morgan against Richard Davenport in Wilkes County, Georgia on 6 February 1797. |
 | Wiley D. Morgan/George D. Taylor Lawsuit Wiley D. Morgan lawsuit against George D. Taylor over horse theft on 10 May 1813 in Wilkes County, Georgia, USA.
Wiley D. Morgan is a minor and his guardian(?) is Elisha Wilkinson. Elisha Wilkinson knew William Morgan (both took part in the Battle of Kettle Creek). According to Orman Morgan is a brother of William Morgan (no documentation). Wiley D. Morgan is the son of Orman Morgan. William and Orman's father is Thomas Morgan of Newberry, SC. This would explain why Wiley was born in Newberry. |
 | Orman Morgan/Matthew Bass Lawsuit Orman Morgan and Matthew Bass sued by Diana Hudson over payment of tobacco on 7 February 1792 in Wilkes County, Georgia, USA |
 | Thomas Morgan b. 1725 d. 1784
 | William Morgan b. 1693 d. 1729
 | Obituary for Rowena Adeline Morgan (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | Orman Morgan Plat of 237 Acres. Series: S213192
Volume: 0039
Page: 00316
Item: 000
Date: 6/30/1806
Document type: PLAT |
 | Anderson Co. SC Deed Book C-143 William Payne sold land to Orman Morgan 8/18/1797, 200-A Tugaloo River, Quit Claim Deed Anderson Co. SC Deed Book C-143 William Payne sold land to Orman Morgan 8/18/1797, 200-A Tugaloo River, Quit Claim Deed |
 | Early Records of Georgia: Wilkes County Early Records of Georgia: Wilkes County
by Grace Gillam Davidson
"Page 520-MOSLEY, THOMAS to David Gordon, 250 acres adj lands of Sanders Walker, J. Regan and David Harris. Jan. 2, 1789. Orman Morgan, Jas. Roquemore, Benj. Hampton, John . Walton, test." |
 | p. 42 of the Journal of the House of Representatives for 15 Dec 1824 Resolved , That the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads be instructed to inquire into the propriety
of discharging Henry Freeman, postmaster at Carnesville, Franklin county, in the state of Georgia, from the
payment of a sum of money due to the General Post Office, which sum was (as is alleged by the affidavits of
the said Henry Freeman and Ormand Morgan) stolen from the post office at Carnesville, on the night of the
3d March, 1824 |
 | Captain Humphries District - 1782 Surry County, North Carolina,USA CAPTAIN HUMPHRIES DISTRICT - 1782 SURRY COUNTY, NC
> Matthew Davis
> James Bussun
> Collins Hamtum
> Benjamin Wortun (S)
> William Wortun
> John Ross
> Wm. Dannal
> Jacob McGraw
> Joseph Larrance
> Wm. Sturthart
> Peter Simmons Sr.
> John Burcham
> James Giddens
> Samuel Humphries
> Haley Foster
> Thomas Dunnegin Sr.
> Losser Jane (Jane Losser????)
> Miles Hart
> James Daniel
> Bowling Clark
> Thomas Evens
> James Larrance
> Elizabeth Ward
> Richard Larrance
> Wiliam Carter
> John Roberts
> Francis Dolleson
> William Clandler
> Wm. Normand
> Matthew Creed
> John Davis
> Henry Herren
> Nathaniel Williams
> James Doak
> Joseph Bold
> William Tucker
> John Hannah
> John Doak Hannah
> Obediah BAKER
> Dabney Harris
> William McGraw
> David Ross
> Christopher Ellis
> Jesse Bump
> Robert Obar
> John Ross
> John Dunnagin
> Thomas Dunnagin Jr.
> Matthew Bass
> James Mathis
> Samuel Parker (Barker????)
> Nathaniel Jaine
> William Burris
> Charles Smith
> Charles Dudley
> John Harris
> Joel McKey
> Mathew cox
> John Barlet
> Thomas Normond
> Robert Harris
> Richard Sorrils
> Patrick Morlen
> Benjamin Cadle
> Daniel Obar
> John Boyd
> Thomas Boon
> Joel Curley
> William Forkner
> Ormond Morgan
> Ratleff Boon Jr.
> David Callere
> Nicholas Becker
> Thomas Bell
> Clement Sulburnt (S)
> James Ritter
> David Clark
> John Blecher
> Curnelius Ceeth
> Joseph Holder
> JKohn Harrell
> Enoch Harrell
> Joseph Woldrum
> Aaron Cump
> Hugh Armstrong
> Samuel Wood
> Benjamin McGraw
> William Eviens
> John Ross
> Moses Blecher
> Nathaniel Sturd
> Charles Sturd
> William Cok
> John Burk
> James Roberts
> John Holder
> Luis Holder
> William Laffoon
> Richard Haselwood
> Benjamin Griffe
> Nathaniel Hill
> Benjamin Humphries
> Thomas Aplen
> John Bussun
> Joel Aplen
> John Duglis
> Elijah Humphries (S)
> John Flemman
> Henry Bartin
> Andrew King
> Page 36 not given
> Mathew Bass
> Mathew Cox |
 | 1900 Census of Denison Township, Lawrence County, Illinois, USA.
 | 1940 Census of Denison Township, Lawrence County, Illinois, USA
 | Ruth Elizabeth Morgan Social Security Death Index (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | Mary Lee Morgan - Obituary (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | Wiley D. Morgan in Franklin County, Georgia Districts Shows Wiley D. Morgan in Franklin County,Georgia Districts from 1833 to 1839. Thanks to research by Cagle-L Archives. |
 | Wiley D. Morgan land transaction in Franklin County, Georgia in 1824.
 | 1840 Census of Franklin, Georgia for Wiley D. Morgan.
 | 1820 Property Tax Digest for Wiley D. Morgan in Franklin, Georgia.
 | Y-DNA Matches of Lindsey Ray Morgan, Jr. from Family Tree DNA. (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | List of Granville County (North Carolina) Militia, 1771. (M326)
 | Muster Roll of the Regiment in Granville County under the Comand of
Col. William Eaton as taken at a General Muster of the said Regiment
8th October 1754 (M327) Contains the name of Robert Morgan; the only Morgan in the 1754 militia. Father of Orman Morgan? |
 | Jeffie Elizabeth French (M330)
 | 1920 Census for Justice Precinct 1, Callahan County, Texas (M331) Contains listing for Joseph Morgan, Jeffie French, Marguerite Morgan, and Mabel Morgan (M331) |
 | Joseph L. Morgan - (M332)
 | 1910 Census of Precinct 1 (excluding Baird City), Callahan County, Texas, USA (M334) Shows listing for Joseph L. Morgan and Jeffie Elizabeth French. (M334) |
 | Jeffie Elizabeth French - Texas Death Certificate (M335)
 | 1930 Census for Justice Precinct 1, Baird, Callahan County, TX (M336) Show Jeffie Frence, Mabel Morgan, Billie Morgan, Thomas French. (M336) |
 | Marguerite Delona Morgan - (M337)
 | History of Marguerite Delona Morgan and Henry Earl Suggs (M338)
 | Callahan County, Texas, Marriage Records (M339) Marriage records for:
Lindsey Morgan/Mary Alice Robbins
Joseph L. Morgan/Jeffie Elizabeth French |
 | 1900 Census for Franklin County, Texas (M240). A. H. O'Tyson
Morris |
 | 1910 Census of Franklin County, Texas (M341) A. H. O'Tyson
Morris |
 | 1920 Census of Mount Pleasant, Titus County, Texas, USA (M342) A.H. O'Tyson
Morris |
 | Rosa Marguerite O'Tyson - Death Certificate
 | M381 Tennessee Genealogical Society, Fall 1985, refers to bible of Orman Morgan and Wiley Morgan. P. 139.
 | M382 1956 Wichita, Sedgwick,Kansas census. (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | 1930 Census to Tonkawa City, Kay County, Oklahoma, USA (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M383 1957 Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas, USA census. (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M384 1954 Wichita, Kansas census. (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M1 1860 Census of Dalton, Dalton District, Whitfield County, Georgia, USA
 | M2 Mariage License for Thomas G. Morgan and Frances Robertson.
 | M3 1863 - 43rd Senatorial District Georgia Militia, Enrollment of Present Militia Company, District #627, Whitfield County
 | M5 Marriages-Georgia to 1850, Thomas G. Morgan and Frances Robertson, married 19 February 1845
 | M6 Settlement of Dispute, D. W. Mitchell, Administrator for William Talley, deceased, and Frances Morgan and her husband Thomas G. Morgan
 | M8 T. R. Jones to T. G. Morgan of house and lot on Selvidge Street.
(Note: Presumed to be son because older T. G. Morgan died in 1880.)
 | M9 Timothy Ford, Tax Collector to Harrison Rogers and Thomas G. Morgan
 | M10 Leroy May to Thomas G. Morgan - Lot 10-13-3
 | M11 alton City Co. to Thomas G. Morgan-town lot, no. 54 S. Depot St.
 | M13 Family Record of Thomas Henry Morgan (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M14 Murray County, Georgia Marriages
 | M15 1900 Census of Robertson County, Texas, USA
 | M16 1880 Census of Cove City, Whitfield County, Georgia, USA
 | M17 Marriage License for Frank P. Morgan and Mary Dowdy
 | M18 Marriage License for Frankin Pierce Morgan and M. T. Netherton
 | M19 Death Certificate for Franklin Pierce Morgan
 | M20 1910 Census of Justice Precinct 8 of Coryell County, Texas, USA
 | M21 Family Letter from Chlora Othal Morgan to Lindsey Ray Morgan (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M22 Marriage Record, for T. H. Morgan and Nora Martin
 | M23 Caddo County, Oklahoma Cemeteries - EAKLY CEMETERY
 | M24 Shamrock Cemetery - Wheeler County, Texas, Surnames M (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M26 Social Security Death Index for Cora Bell Morgan
 | M27 Social Security Death Index for Barbara Louise Tugwell
 | Newspaper Article Caddo County Honor Roll mentioning Lindsey York Morgan and Russell Bryant Morgan |
 | Newspaper Article. "Mrs. Roy Meadows is in Tulsa visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Morgan." |
 | M385 Wedding Announcement of April Lin Morgan and James Marshall Moody. (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M386 Blackwell Journal, July 16, 1946. "Lindsey Morgan, Tulsa, returned to his home Monday after spending the day visiting his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morgan." (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | September 14, 1936 Daily American Democrat, Anadarko, Caddo County, Oklahoma, mentioning Mary Alice Robbins, Lindsey York Morgan, Russell Klusmeyer, Dale Klusmeyer, Dorothy Klusmeyer, Neal Klusmeyer.
September 14, 1936 Daily American Democrat, Anadarko, Caddo County, Oklahoma, mentioning Mary Alice Robbins, Lindsey York Morgan, Russell Klusmeyer, Dale Klusmeyer, Dorothy Klusmeyer, Neal Klusmeyer.
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | December 3, 1936 Daily American Democrat, Anadarko, Caddo County, Oklahoma, mentioning Lindsey York Morgan.
Personal Tax List for Caddo County, Oklahoma, USA. |
 | Newspaper Article "The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meadows was very badly burned by pulling a teakettle of hot water over on himself.
Mrs. Lindsey Morgan is ill with pneumonia." |
 | M378 Abilene Semi-Weekly Farm Reporter, April 15, 1907, mentioning marriage of Mary Alice Robbins and Lindsey York Morgan.
"S. D. and Mrs. Jobe went to Putnam Sunday to attend the marriage of Miss Mary Robbins, sister of the latter to Mr. Linsey Morgan, the happy event taking place at the home of the bride's parents." |
 | Newspaper Article. "Mrs. Carl Morgan and daughter visited Mrs. Robins Saturday evening." (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | Newspaper Article. "Bert Watson called in the Lindsey Morgan home Saturday night."
"Lindsey Morgan called in the Cald??? hom Sunday moning."
"Mr. and Mrs. Carl Morgan and children spent the last weekmend with parents Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Sink of Apache."
"Wilda Morgan called Saturday evening on Miss Gladys Longacre."
"Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meadows and son Keith called on her mother Mrs. Lindsey Morgan Thursday."
"Mrs. Wells spent the afternoon with Mrs. Morgan."
"Jim and Lora McPherson called in the Carl Morgan home Sunday."
"Carl Sherman Morgan spent Sunday with his grandma Morgan."
"Mr. and Mrs. Carl Morgan and children called in the Burt Watson home Sunday." (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M387 WW II Registration for Draft.
 | Newspaper article: Sickles Items "Mrs. Lindsey Morgan, Mrs. F. Mogg, and Mr. and Mrs. Charle Evans were Sunday afternoon callers in the Booth home." |
 | Newspaper article: Pioneer News "Mr. and Mrs. Carl Morgan and Wilda and Ray Morgan also Lindsey Morgan went to Anadarko Tuesday on business."
"Mr. and Mrs. Carl Morgan spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Davis."
"Raymond and Harley Robins called at the Lindsey Morgan home Sunday night."
"Mr. Robins and John Davis and Carl Morgan attended the community sale at Carnegie Monday."
"Wilda Morgan has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Roy Meadows." |
 | Newspaper article: Oak Dale Items "Mr. and Mrs. Carl Morgan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morgan and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Barney and son, and Mr. Meadow spent Thursday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meadows." (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M370 Newspaper article: Oak Dale Items "Bernice Shaw and Callie and Elsie McElroy were Ruth Morgan's guests Sunday."
"Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Morgan spent Sunday in the Jim McElroy home." |
 | M369 Newspaper Article "Those enjoying an egg hunt at Lindsey Morgan's Sunday Aline McDaniel, Neal and Dorothy Klusmeyer, and Wilda and Ray Morgan." |
 | M368 Newspaper article re: Mary Alice Robbins, Carl Victor Morgan, and Bealie King. "Mrs. Lindsey Morgan and son, Carl and Paul Herring spent Sunday in the Bealie King home." |
 | M367 Newspaper Article "Mrs. Lindsey Morgan returned home Sunday from a visit to Galveston, Texas."
"Misses Berice and Hazel Shaw spent Sunday with Misses Ruth and Wilda Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meadows were afernoon callers." |
 | M366 Newspaper article re: Death of Lindsey Ray Morgan "In Memoriam - Lindsey Ray Morgan Sr" |
 | M365 Newspaper article re: Funeral of Lindsey Ray Morgan. "In Memoriam...Lindsey Ray Morgan." (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | Newspaper article re: Funeral of Patrick Judson Morgan. "Morgan Funeral is Held Monday" |
 | M363 Newspaper Article of wedding of Lindsey Ray Morgan and Bonnie Jean Riley. "Miss Jones, Tonkawa, is wed at San Diego." (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M362 Newspaper Article. "Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jones spent Sunday in Tulsa where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Morgan and Bonnie Morgan." (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M361 Newspaper Article of wedding of Lindsey Ray Morgan and Bonnie Jean Riley. JONES-MORGAN WEDDING ANNOUNCED. (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M388 Marriage Certificate of Russell Klusmeyer and Queen Ruth Morgan.
 | M389 Russell Klusmeyer Certificate of Death.
 | M390 Marriage of Russell Leroy Klusmeyer and Josie E. Morgan. (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M360 Newspaper Article. "Out-of Town Guests...Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Morgan..." (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M391 Marriage of Toni D. Barney and Joseph V. Porting. (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M29 History of Coryell County, Texas, USA. See also M392.
 | M28 History of Coryell County, Morgan-Freeland and Morgan-Maynard. See also M392. (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M30 History of Coryell County - Freeland - Young. See also M392.
 | M392 History of Coryell County - combined pages.
 | M31 History of Coryell County- Freeland - Young. See also M392.
 | M32 History of Coryell County - Kelso/Freeland. See also M392.
 | M33 History of Coryell County - Freeland/Kelso, See also M392.
 | M35 Social Security Death Index for Jeffie French
 | M36 Family of Lindsey York Morgan and Mary Alice Robbins
 | M37 Franklin Pierce Morgan and Mary Alice Robbins Family.
 | M38 Morgan Family Record (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M39 1910 Census for Justice Precinct 8, Callahan County, Texas, USA
 | M44 Obituaries for Lindsey York Morgan and Mary Alice Robbins
 | M45 Morgan Family Reunion (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M46 Caddo County People - 1918 VOTER REGISTRATION, PRECINCT NO. 14 -- SWAN LAKE TWP.
 | M47 Social Security Death Index for William Roy Meadows
 | M48 Obituary for Bealie King
 | M50 Social Security Death Index for Carl Victor Morgan
 | M51 Social Security Death Index for Letha Sink
 | M53 Social Security Death Index for Wilda Marie Morgan
 | M54 Social Security Death Index for Lindsey Ray Morgan (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M55 Birth Certificate for Lindsey Ray Morgan (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M56 Military History for Lindsey Ray Morgan (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M57 United States Marine Corps Honorable Discharge for Lindsey Ray Morgan (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M59 Social Security Death Index for Albert Rogers Brown
 | M60 Social Security Death Index for Beauford Brown
 | M61 Social Security Death Index for Henry Morgan Brown
 | M62 Social Security Death Index for Wallace Franklin Brown
 | M63 Index of West Boone Prairie Cemetery, Robertson County, Texas, USA (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M64 Index of East Boone Prairie Cemetery (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M66 Descendants of William Ansley of Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
 | M68 1930 Census of Sickles Township, Caddo County, Oklahoma, USA
 | M69 1930 Census of Justice Precinct 4, Wheeler County, Texas, USA (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | M70 Photo of Frank Bugby Brown and Family.